Monday, November 4, 2013

More wings over Centerpointe

It wasn't Shuttle Endeavour this time, but it was one heck of an impressive sight nonetheless. 
What is that??  A cracked windshield, maybe?
Not a photo of busted glass.  It was a classic energy-conserving V-shaped flock of migrating birds flying at an impossibly-high altitude.  An impossibly-large number of birds.  That's just one arm of the V-formation shown in the photo above. 
Even with a long lens, I couldn't do this one justice.  They were probably between one and two thousand feet high. 
They were so far up that, if it were not for the sharp eyes of my 5-year-old neighbor, I never would have seen them.  But he knows I enjoy wildlife, and so as we were in the middle of washing my car this past Saturday evening, he pointed to the sky and shrieked, "Get your camera!"

They are probably either white-fronted geese or snow geese.  I increased the contrast in the photos above to improve visibility, so they don't look very white.  But those are two of the more common species that traverse our area in large numbers each autumn. 
"Snowbirds" in the most literal sense of it:  Both species migrate from the high Arctic to the Texas Gulf Coast.  And some snowbird people make that long journey as well. 

Map screengrabbed from this page
Snow goose photo from Wikipedia
Goose on the loose will soon be geese on the lease, as they don't have much farther to go from here before they touch down for the winter months.  I've seen amazing flocks of them foraging in the wetlands down around the Matagorda area.  Here's hoping they find good eatin' given that freshwater inflows along the coast are not optimal right now

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