Monday, February 20, 2012

A monarch moment

A few pretty pics here in celebration of yesterday's picture-perfect weather.  After the sixth wettest start-to-a-year on record, the sunshine and warm temps were a welcome relief.

If you were out and about the neighborhood yesterday (which you arguably should have been), you may have noticed that the monarch butterfly migration is underway.  These amazing creatures are the only species of butterfly that migrate in a style similar to birds, from Mexico to more northern latitudes, and back again in winter.
If you want to get pics like this, you have to be patient.  These are skittish creatures, but if you stand near their target destination (here, a bolted broccoli plant) for ten minutes or so, they will acclimate to your presence. 
Bee-cause we have one of the few landscaped back yards in Centerpointe Section 9, we tend to attract an extremely large quantity of these guys, which have few other local flowers to visit.  I noticed yesterday that the bees were harrassing the monarchs, trying to chase them away from the flowering plants.
And if you're patient long enough with your camera, you might get rewarded with a beauty shot such as this.  According to Wikipedia, this is a male monarch... 
...and he graced our backyard yesterday en route to points north.
(Monarch migration excerpt from

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